Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Selama 7 tahun hilang akibat tsunami, sekarang bisa berkumpul dengan keluarga

Alkisah- Wati, 15 tahun, warga Lr Sangkis, Desa Ujong Baroh, Kecamatan Johan Pahlawan Aceh Barat, Provinsi Aceh, yang hilang saat diterjang gelombang tsunami 26 Desember 2004, kembali ke orang tuanya.

Kakek Wati di Meulaboh, Ibrahim, mengatakan cucunya tersebut menghilang ketika berusia delapan tahun saat tragedi tsunami menerpa Aceh, 26 Desember 2004.

"Saya yakin benar kalau dia adalah cucu saya. Karena dari ciri-ciri sudah kami lihat ada kemiripan cucu saya yang hanyut bersama gelombang tsunami tujuh tahun lalu," katanya, Rabu, 21 Desember 2011.

Ibrahim mengatakan Wati selama ini tersesat dan melanglang buana sampai ke wilayah Aceh Utara dan Aceh Besar. Wati tidak mengetahui di mana orang tuanya karena trauma dan rasa takut masih menghantui perasaan gadis itu.

Ibrahim mengatakan gadis berambut cepak itu awalnya tiba di Terminal Bus Meulaboh dari Kota Banda Aceh. Wati lalu duduk termenung di warung kopi Simpang Pelor.

Saat itulah, warga setempat, yang mengira gadis berjilbab biru tersebut peminta-minta, menanyakan asal usulnya. Namun Wati terdiam. Tak lama kemudian, Wati hanya menyebutkan nama kakeknya yang tinggal di Kota Meulaboh.

"Saat ditanya orang, dia hanya teringat nama saya. Kemudian ada warga kita langsung mengantarkan dia ke rumah. Kemudian saya langsung memanggil kedua orang tuanya yang selamat waktu tsunami dulu," ujar Ibrahim.

Orang tua Wati, Yusniar, 35 tahun, dan M. Yunus, 43 tahun, memastikan Wati adalah anak mereka. Sebab, Wati memiliki tahi lalat dan bekas luka, saat berusia enam tahun, di atas kelopak matanya.

"Ini benar anak saya. Saat saya tanya, dia punya kakak bernama Yuli dan seorang adik saat ia dulu berusia 7 tahun. Kakaknya dulu selamat, namun dia hilang dibawa gelombang tsunami," ujar Yusniar di rumah orang tuanya.

Padahal Yusniar tidak yakin kalau anak keduanya itu masih hidup setelah dibawa dahsyatnya arus gelombang tsunami. Akan tetapi, setelah melihat dari ciri-ciri, bawaan, serta kemiripan anak itu dengan raut wajah ayahnya, Yusniar menjadi yakin.

Isak tangis keluarga Wati menggemparkan warga Kelurahan Ujong Baroh. Masyarakat berbondong-bondong datang melihat Wati. Setelah tujuh tahun tak diketahui rimbanya, Wati ternyata masih hidup. Ia melanglang buana karena tidak tahu jalan pulang ke rumah.

"Saya bukan tidak mencari anak saya dari dulu, tapi saya tidak yakin kalau dia masih hidup karena waktu itu (tsunami) ia terlepas dari tangan saya. Sementara kakak dan adiknya sempat saya larikan," ujar Yusniar.

Sopir Angkot dan Dua Anak Kecil

Waktu itu gw dari Menteng menuju Pondok Labu..Naik P20 turun Di Cilandak Naik 61 menuju Pondok Labu.

Penumpang Angkot yang gw Naikin hanya beberapa Orang,..didepan anak-anak berdua dan di belakang hanya 1 orang Ibu Muda.

Terus gw duduk di Belakang.,gw liat dari spion tengah wajah sopir sedikit tidak enak..,ngomel -ngomel sendiri kagak jelas dah.,ngebut-ngebut juga gak jelas,terus gw pikir mungkin setoran nya belum nyampe kali..

Setelah tiba di depan Mall Cilandak anak-anak yg di didepan tadi turun.,lalu memberikan uang kertas 2 Ribu yang di lipat terus dia langsung balik kanan.

Ehhh tiba-tiba Sopir angkot Malah klakson manggil tuh anak-anak berdua.

Sopir angkot : "Ehh lu kasih berapa nih..tambah..masak lu kasih 2 ribu seribu lagi mana..???",katanya dengan wajah yang seram.

Salah seorang anak tadi bilang : "Gak ada lagi bang, benar.." anak tadi mengeluarkan isi kantongnya yang kosong."

Sopir angkot : "Eh Tambah gak,,masak bayar segini,udah murah nih..,kamu jangan bohong..??"

Salah seorang anak tadi bilang : "Benar bang gak ada..."

Sopir Angkot : "Ah kamu Pasti Bohong,,Ayo ngaku,,tambah gak...",dengan wajah yang aneh.

Salah seorang anak tadi bilang : "Aduh bang benaran gak ada..,,sumpah bang.."

Sopir Angkot : "Dasar Tukang Bohong..,gak mau nambah seribu lagi,kan ongkos nya udah murah juga"

Dia berangkat sambil ngegas mobil nya angguk-angguk itu karena kesal..gw jadi ngakak liat tinggah tu Sopir berdebat sama anak-anak gara-gara duit seribu..lama lagi..hihihih

Kejahatan Saat Natal

Hari ini adalah Natal dan hakim sedang dalam suasana hati yang gembira saat ia bertanya kepada tahanan,

"Anda dituntut karena tuduhan apa?"

"Melakukan belanja Natal terlalu awal", jawab terdakwa.

"Itu bukan suatu pelanggaran", kata hakim. "Seberapa awal anda melakukan belanja?"

"Sebelum toko dibuka."

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Cerita lucu, konyol, kocak malam pertama

Malam pertama ternyata ada lucu-lucunya juga. Nah, di postingan ini ada dua cerita lucu tentang malam pertama. Mau gak punya pengalaman malam pertama kayak di bawah ini...?
Monggo cuy di sambi...

1. Salah Pengertian di Malam Pertama

Si Brian baru saja kawin sama Tukiyem. Tapi gara-gara terlalu bersemangat pas siang harinya pas kawinan, jadinya malamnya mereka kecapekan dan gak berhubungan intim. Malam harinya mereka sempet-sempetnya makan bakso bersama di dalam kamar. Ibunya Brian menguping dari balik pintu dan mendengar suara…

Tukiyem: “Mas, sudah tak kocok-kocok gak keluar-keluar.” (Sambil mengocok botol sambal.)

Brian: “Jelas aja, wong lobangnya kecil gitu!”

Tukiyem: “Ya sudah, ujungnya tak gunting yo?”

Ibunya Brian langsung kaget bagai petir menyambar di tengah malam, mendobrak pintu kamar dan teriak, “Jangan!!! Anu anak saya jangan digunting!”

Brian & Tukiyem: **#@##^%&??!!!

2. Tinggal Digoyang

Sepasang pengantin, Samijan dan Cathy, akan melalui malam pertamanya. Setelah resepsi kawinan kelar, pengantin ini masuk kamar. Di kamar sudah bertumpuk kado-kado dari teman-teman mereka. Satu persatu kado dibuka, satu lagi, kemudian lagi, dan lagi, dan satu kado lagi dibuka. Mendadak Cathy tertawa girang. Aya naon teh? Ternyata Cathy membuka kado yang isinya sepatu… Pas mau dicoba, ternyata gak muat. Dia terus memaksa, namun sia-sia. Samijan jadi tidak tega.

Samijan: “Kenapa, sempit?”
Cathy: “Iya mas, sakit nih…”
Samijan: “Saya masukin prlan-pelan deh ya?”
Cathy: “Iya mas, jangan keras-keras tapi?”

Samijan pun memasukkan sepatu tadi dengan agak maksa.
Cathy: “Mas, sakit mas… anunya terlalu sempit…”
Samijan: “Tahan dulu donk, saya coba lagi ya?”

Ternyata, Mpok Mimmien, mami Cathy lagi nguping di balik pintu kamar pengantin… rupanya sang ibu ini lagi mikir ngeres… Tidak tega melihat anak perempuanya kesulitan saat malam pertama, terpaksa sang ibu mempelai wanita menyela dari balik pintu.

Mpok Mimien: “Kenapa nak, susah masuk?”
Cathy: “Iya Nyak…”
Samijan: “Kekecilan sih Mi…”
Mpok Mimien: “Coba kamu olesin dengan air liur…”
Samijan: “Saya coba dulu Mi...”
Cathy: “Cepat dong mas, dipoles ama air liur…”

Dengan tergesa-gesa Samijan memoles seluruh permukaan kaki isterinya dengan air liur.
Samijan: “Coba dimasukkan lagi ya sayang???”
Cathy: “Iya mas…”

Setelah dimasukkan kaki yang dipolesi liur tadi ternyata dengan mudah masuk.
Samijan: “Nah… masuk kan???”
Cathy: “Iya..." 
Mpok Mimien: “Nah… tuh bisa masuk kan? Sekarang tinggal digoyang, nak.”

Selasa, 15 November 2011

4 senses of our body work experience and home spaces

Houses or other buildings, we can feel its presence after we occupy either we feelthrough our senses and feel through the heart and feelings. The building is nice andcomfortable house is comfortable and beautiful as well in the hearts (of coursesupported by the atmosphere in the house that is also fun). Maybe we do not pay much attention, that all five senses with the feeling the presence of a building a house.What are perceived by the eyes, ears, and even our skin?


is perhaps the most sense to work when we are in a room and feel the condition of the room. There are many things we encountersuch as shape, color, size. Does it fit the size of a chair or a little bigor too smallHow does the color of a chair, whether in accordance with what we want or not, it all looks from our eyeswhether it be a room with matching furniture, or do not match. The house walls are painted with the slick, sometimes can be boring, because it is often necessary innovationssuch asexposure to materials such as stonebrickwood and so on in order to avoid monotonyLikewise, the appearance of the housepreferably well designed to make it look harmonious and beautiful to the eye.


ear also plays a role in creating a feeling when we are in a home space, because the ears perceive sound and noise as the engine of motor vehicles on the street front of the house, shouting, music, and so on. All of that certainly affects the mental condition when he was in the house. A very pleasant voice sounds such as birds, gurgling water, tinkling wind bells, and so on. All the pleasant voice can help relaxation in the home.

Sense of smell, when we were in a place or home a little longer, not that we are aware of. Many odors can we smell in the area around the home, such as pet odor, the smell of metal, fabric, even the smell of sweat. The smell of dust is a nuisance when the house is also located near a very busy road with motor vehicles, especially if the house is close to the odor sources such as factories with the waste gases that are not processed.

bathrooms are clean and fragrant, related to the senses of sight and smell.
The smell is pleasant: there is a very pleasant odor, such as the smell of flowers, wood, soil, and the smell of pets healthy and fragrant. The smell is also associated with higher levels of O2 around the house, when many plants, it will feel fresh and we will breathe better air again.

Sense of touch is the skin to receive lots of stimulation from the surface of objects and structures. A sense that we get, among others, are cold, hot, warm, or the equivalent of body heat. There are materials that can be touched and feel rough, like natural stone. There is also a material that feels smooth, like glass, tile, marble, and so on.

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Komodo Island of Enchantment

Komodo dragon is the largest terrestrial lizards and reptiles in the world called the "Ora" by Manggarai language. Komodo can adapt well in a very harsh environment and hold the highest positions on the beasts of prey on the island.The only place in the world where dragons are found in the Komodo National Park and the western part of Flores. This area is an important part of Indonesia in the past and future and is a proper part of world heritage.
Komodo dragon can reach a maximum size of 3 meters and weighs 90 kg.Scientifically first recognized in 1912 as Varanus komodoensis.Diperkirakan 2000 adult individuals in the wild inhabit this area, limited on the island of Komodo, Rinca Island and P. Padar, and in certain coastal areas in the western part of Flores.Komodo dragon, prefer the low-lying bush as a refuge and the surrounding savannah in search of food, sometimes also found at altitudes between 400-600 meters.This chubby-looking lizards are as predators and scavengers as well. Ora adults regularly attack and kill deer, wild boar and buffalo and the horse liar.Ora Rinca too young to hatch in April from eggs laid the previous 8-9 months in groups of up to 20 per nest, prey on other small animals such as the token, insecticides and where ora small bird can catch and climb trees. Ora older too heavy to climb trees. Ora food depends on only a few species, primarily deer so as to make his life when sensitive animal prey populations decline. Ora is the greatest threat to deer hunters who entered the region through a remote place using hunting dogs, and frequently take deer in large quantities in a short time.Separated from other predators make dragons thrive. Meanwhile, in the isolated, too make this kind of danger. Ora has a cruising area is very limited compared to other predatory animals in dunia.Oleh because its spread is really limited and consequently sensitive to environmental catastrophe, has put these animals in the category of species in danger both in Indonesia and in the world.Placing the Komodo dragon on protected areas that would not guarantee that the Komodo dragon is safe from extinction. With the continuous preservation and conservation agreement for the future for these animals, however we can help preserve this unique wildlife for generations to come.Things to See or Do:Watching the behavior of dragons; how to eat, hunt prey, etc. way street.Marvel at the diversity of plants and animals on the islands of Komodo.Swim and snorkel in the beach where the water is clear and reddish sand added thousands of fish and coral blueVisit a traditional village to see a different lifestyle than you.Most locals can only speak the local language and Indonesian language.Follow a tour service to save time, money and energyBring cream sunscreen, comfortable clothing, sunglasses, hat or head covering as well.For enthusiasts a unique natural attractions and exotic, they can visit Komodo Island in West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara. On this island, tourists can see rare animals directly dragons.To get to this area, tourists can use the two transportation. If you want fast, can hire a speedboat. With a ticket price of Rp 3 million, visitors can travel to the island for 2.5 hours. But if you want less expensive, can use a traditional boat from the Port of Bajo with rental costs between Rp 600 thousand to $ 1.5 million per day. Maximum journey time of approximately 4.5 hours.During the trip can be seen the beautiful natural scenery. In the vicinity of Flores, there were 60 islands. However, the most frequently visited the island of Rinca and Komodo Island. Admission to Komodo tourist area is not so expensive. For foreign tourists just pay U.S. $ 15. While local visitors to pay Rp 75 thousand. This price is valid for three days.For tourists who like trekking, could traverse the area accompanied by an officer. On this island, can be found rare animals dragons. However, reptiles called latin Varanus komodoensis is rarely seen in the daytime. Because, if the hot sting of these animals tend to take refuge in burrows or tree hedge.

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Photos of landscape

Beautifull Sunset
The Sunset behind the mountains
The Sun

These landscape photos taken in Indonesia Ajibarang city, with beautiful panoramic mountains and lush forests around it, making the atmosphere in beautiful surroundings ...

It also, here providing a wide range of other natural beauty such as waterfalls, crystal clear stream, etc., natural feel that is so beautiful here in the area makes the mood so calm and cool.

relax and enjoy guys :-)